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#unidos pelo presente e futuro da cultura em portugal

Live Multimedia Performance #unidospelopresenteefuturodaculturaemportugal


People from every corner of the Cultural and Entertainment sectors are struggling to make themselves visible to everyone who is turning a blind-eye to what is happening to the World of Arts.
Art is not expendable. And so we make our statement, by joining the initiative of making the voice of the Portuguese artists heard.
As a creative collective, we express our solidarity with all the professionals who represent Culture in all its forms.


Video 🎥 :

The Delight thede.light

Music 🎶 :

“Fear Adjustments” – TRNR

Mapping & Visuals 🎨:

NUNO MIKA studio & Disorder FILMS, Carlotta Premazzi

Videoprojection 🌈, Sound 🔈& Light💡 :

Daniel Pinto, Luís Mendes, Pedro Freitas & Pedro Raminhos from Jukebox – Música e Produção Audiovisual para Eventos

Venue 🏠:

Teatro “A Lanterna Mágica”

Visual Artists👨🏻‍🎨👩🏻‍🎨👨🏼‍🎨 :

NUNO MIKA studio, Carlotta Premazzi/Glitch&Flower & Paulo Uliarud
